Unit Testing

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Unit testing is a testing methodology by which a software system is split in elementary units and each unit is tested in isolation and independently from other units. A unit could be an entire module, a class or a single method or procedure.

The ETICS build system gives the possibility of running automatically Junit Testsuites during the build process. The ETICSJunitPlugin (further explained here) is capable of finding and executing Junit Testsuites in gCube components home directories. Reports generated are published along with other build reports.

ETICSJunitPlugin is driven by following properties that developers can customize in ETICS configuration of their gCube component:

  • junit.lib.location: Directory containing the external libraries (JAR files) required to execute the test. Default is ${src.location}/lib or if not present ${src.location}/endorsed or again ${stageDir}/share/java
  • unit.jars.location: Directory containing the (non-test) JAR files of the application, if available. Default is ${src.location}/jars or if not present ${src.location}/build/jars
  • junit.test.class: Fully qualified name of the Unit Test class to execute. Deafult is All tests in junit.test.location
  • junit.test.location: Root of the directory structure where the compiled Java test and .class are placed. Default is ${src.location}/test/classes or if not present ${src.location}/build/classes-test

Please note that ETICS will only execute Testsuites found after the component's check out from the SVN. Therefore, developers are responsible for committing Testsuites in the source code repository along with their component's code.