VRE Administration
Virtual Research Environments (VREs) are the cooperation environments defined in the context of a Virtual Organisation (VO) user communities are provided with to accomplish specific tasks. These cooperation environments are equipped with specific facilities and resources (e.g. collections and data sources) deemed relevant with respect to the application scenario the VRE has been conceived for. The overall resources (e.g. computing resources, collection, services) supporting the operation of the VRE are dynamically aggregated by relying on those forming the VO while the operation of the VRE is automatically guaranteed by the set of services forming the Core Services.
The administration of these cooperation environments is a four tasks activity envisaging:
- a definition phase in which a user having the role of VRE Designer specifies the characteristics of a new VRE conceived to serve an application scenario;
- an approval phase in which a user having the role of VRE Manager decides whether the specified VREs have to be accepted or rejected. For what is concerned with the accepted VRE, the VRE Manager decides also how this VRE has to be deployed, e.g. which hosting nodes will be exploited;
- a verification phase in which a user having the role of VRE Manager validates a VRE resulting from the approval phase;
- a management phase in which a user having the role of VRE Manager operates on a deployed VRE in order to customise specific aspects (e.g. the layout governing the placement of user interfaces constituents a.k.a. portlets) or monitor the operational state of the VRE as a whole.
VRE Definition
Defining the Virtual Research Environment
VRE Approval
Approving the Virtual Research Environment
VRE Verification
Verifying the Virtual Research Environment correctness
VRE Management
Managing the Virtual Research Environment
VRE Layout Specification
Creating the Virtual Research Environment Layout
VRE Information Space Specification
Editing the Virtual Research Environment Information Space
VRE Users Management
Managing Virtual Research Environment Users
VRE Monitoring
Monitoring the Virtual Research Environment through the Information System