Storage Management(porttype)
This page describes the new portype offered by the SMS service.
The use of the new port type has been simplified by a wrapper class (StorageManagementCall). The StorageManagementCall hide the WSRF implementation.
The method retrieveFilteredIOs retrieves all the IO selected by the specified filtering criteria. The filtering criteria are expressed through a list of SMSFilter.
The method returns a RS locator.
All filters applied in 'and' conjunction. The available filters:
- Property Filters, set of filters based on the properties values:
- PropertyEqualFilter: accepts the IO with a property with the specified name and value.
- PropertyBetweenLongFilter: accepts the IO if the specified property values is into the specified bounds.
- Reference Filters, set of filters based on IO references:
- ReferenceSourceFilter: accepts the IO which is target in a reference with the specified IO.
- ReferenceTargetFilter: accepts the IO which is target in a reference with the specified IO.
Example code:
//the filtering criteria List<SMSFilter> filters = new LinkedList<SMSFilter>(); //a reference filter expressing the collection membership ReferenceTargetFilter targetFilter = new ReferenceTargetFilter("contentmanagement:is-member-of", null, collectionID); filters.add(targetFilter); //a property filter based on IO creation time PropertyBetweenLongFilter creationTimeFilter = new PropertyBetweenLongFilter("contentmanagement:ObjectCreatedMillis", startTimestamp, endTimestamp); filters.add(creationTimeFilter); //we want back IO with content in attachment SMSResponseConfig responseConfig = InformationObjectResponse.plainInformationObjectWithContentInMessage(); String locator = call.retrieveFilteredIOs(responseConfig, filters);
Functions response
Some SMS methods returns an RS locator. The type of response can be configured through a SMSResponseConfig parameter.
The possible response configurations are:
- OIDResponse: the RS return strings representing the IOs id.
- InformationObjectResponse: the RS return InformationObjectDescriptions representing the IOs.
The InformationObjectResponse configuration accept some parameters to set how object are filled with IO informations. To help on setting the required parameters a set of static method have been created:
- plainInformationObject: only basic informations, name, type and IO, are returned
- plainInformationObjectWithProperties: basic informations and properties
- completeInformationObject: basic informations, properties and references, but not content
- completeInformationObjectWithContent: complete object information plus IO content. The location parameter specify where save the content.
- completeInformationObjectWithContentInMessage: complete object information plus IO content. The content is attached to the message.
- plainInformationObjectWithContent: basic object informations with the IO content in specified location.
- plainInformationObjectWithContentInMessage: basic object information with the IO content attached to the message.