Home Library CLI

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Home Library CLI is a Java library providing command line interface to Home Library WebApp.

This CLI library has following features:

  • Create Directory: to create a directory in the root or in a subfolder.
  • List Directory: to list the content of a directory.
  • Upload file: to upload a file in a directory.
  • Remove files and folders: to remove a file or a directory (including subdirectories).
  • Test: a simple test to check the correct behavior of the features above.

The following sections will discuss each of these commands in turn, and discuss how to use them with Home Library CLI.

Configuration File

Home Library CLI is equipped with a simple configuration file to set the parameters and initial settings.

The fields are:

  • URL_REPOSITORY: the URL of Home Library WebApp.
  • USERNAME: username to connect to Home Library WebApp.
  • PASSWORD: password to connect to Home Library WebApp.
  • LOGIN: the portal login of the user who is using the library.
  • ROOT_PATH : the ROOT of the VRE folder where the files and directory will be created.

The Configuration File cannot be modified by the final user, but it allows to use the CLI in different context.



Home Library CLI is a jar-with-depencencies, you only need a Java 7 JDK.

Download the latest release from here:



After downloading the Home Library CLI jar just start it as follows:

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar

NOTE: Replace <$version> with the last version available.

This starts the library and writes some help lines:

user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Usage: java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar <command>
Where <command> is:

Run the test

To check the correct behavior of all features:

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar test


user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar test
param N.0: test
List Folder /
Response Code : 200
0 elements found 
Create Folder myFolder-7cf437b6-e21f-4f87-a4a3-73f0b2a515c2
Response Code : 200
myFolder-7cf437b6-e21f-4f87-a4a3-73f0b2a515c2 created in / 
Save images in myFolder-7cf437b6-e21f-4f87-a4a3-73f0b2a515c2
List Folder /
Response Code : 200
0 elements found 
Response Code : 200
myFolder-7cf437b6-e21f-4f87-a4a3-73f0b2a515c2 deleted.
HL CLI test successfully completed.

Create a directory

To create a directory, if it does not already exist.

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar mkdir name [path] [description]

Mandatory arguments:

  • name: the name of the new folder.

Optional arguments:

  • path: the path where the directory will be created (by default the directory will be created in the ROOT_PATH).
  • description: the description of the new folder.


user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar mkdir myFolder
param N.0: mkdir
param N.1: myFolder
Create Folder myFolder
Response Code : 200
myFolder created.

Upload a file

To upload a file, if it does not already exist.

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar put fileURL [destinationPath] [name]

Mandatory arguments:

  • fileURL: the URL of the file to save.

Optional arguments:

  • destinationPath: the path of an existing directory where the file will be uploaded (by default the file will be saved in the ROOT_PATH).
  • name: the description of the new folder (by default the original name will be preserved)


user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar put /home/user/Downloads/image.jpg myFolder
param N.0: put
param N.1: /home/user/Downloads/image.jpg
param N.2: myFolder
/myFolder/image.jpg saved.

List a directory

To list the content of a directory.

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar ls [directory]

Optional arguments:

  • directory: the absolute path of the directory to list (by default the content of the ROOT_PATH will be shown).


user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ls myFolder
param N.0: ls
param N.1: myFolder
Response Code : 200
1 items found.

Remove files or directories

To remove files or directories:

java -jar home-library-cli-<$version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar rm fileOrDirectory

Mandatory arguments:

  • fileOrDirectory: the absolute path of the directory or file to remove.


Remove a file:

user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar rm myFolder/image.jpg
param N.0: rm
param N.1: myFolder/image.jpg
Response Code : 200
/myFolder/image.jpg deleted.

Remove a directory:

user@my-pc:~$ java -jar home-library-cli-1.0.0-20160324.155028-1-jar-with-dependencies.jar rm myFolder
param N.0: rm
param N.1: myFolder
Response Code : 200
myFolder deleted.