VRE Manager

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Revision as of 17:36, 25 September 2008 by Manuele.simi (Talk | contribs) (Configuration)

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The VRE Manager is a gCube Service grouping the facilities for managing the constituents of the VREs, namely the service instances. It is the service in charge to coordinate the overall deployment and operation of each VRE. Moreover, it takes care to interact with the Virtual Organisation Management to create the VO needed to support the operation of the VREs.


Within the gCube architecture, the VREManage is placed at the top of a stack of the VREManagement services, below only the VRE Modeler service. Each instance of the service is devoted to manage one and only one specific Scope and, within such a scope, it is in charge of adding/updating/removing GCUBEResource.


The VREManager adopts the Singleton pattern and it exposes a single port-type, gcube/vremanagement/vremanager/VREManager. Clients may manipulate GCUBEResources within the scope by using the operations of such a port-type.

Basically, ....


The only configuration parameter is the Scope to operate in. This can be specified in two ways:

  • as static start Scope of the RI (see the releate section on the [Developer Guide] for details);
  • as deployment parameter, in case the VREManager itself is dynamically deployed trough the Deployer facilities.

The test-suite
