VO installation

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These are the steps needed to setup a new Virtual Organization:

  1. select the gCube infrastructure to join
  2. decide the scope hierarchy, i.e. the name of the VO within the new infrastructure
  3. identify at least 6 machines to turn on as gHNs (their number may vary depending on the VO needs). These machine will serve the needs for a typical exploitation scenario of the VO:
  • 3 machines for the enabling services
  • 3 machines for the VO services (Content Management, Indexes and Metadata Management)
plus, 2 machines for each VRE that is expected to be deployed within the VO
  1. prepare a Service Map file for the VO scope
  2. install the VO enabling services:
    1. identify 3 machines to dedicate to the VO Enabling Services
    2. install gCore in the 3 machines and copy the Service Map files under the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/config folder
    3. configure the first gHN to join to the VO scope and
      • deploy the IS-Collector and configure it to join the VO scope
    4. configure the second gHN as ROOT and to join to the VO scope and
      • deploy a IS-Registry instance and configure it to join the VO scope
      • deploy a IS-Notifier instance and configure it to join the VO scope
    5. configure the third gHN to join it to the VO scope and
      • deploy a VREModeler instance and configure it to join the VO scope
      • deploy a VREManager instance and configure it to join the VO scope
      • deploy a Software Repository instance and configure it to join the VO scope; this is an optional step, since also the Software Repository can be joined to the new VO via the Resource Management tool
    6. start the 3 containers following the order of the deployments and verify that they work properly
  3. configure and start 3 gHNs to use for future dynamic deployment activities (e.g., deployment of VO level services and VRE creation)
    1. install gCore in each machine and copy the Service Map files under the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/config folder
    2. configure the gHNs to join the VO scope
    3. start the container on each machine and verify that the gHN is correctly published both in the infrastructure and in the VO Information Systems.