Upload of new Software

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SoftwareUploadWizard (SUW) widget allows a Resource Management Portlet super user to create a new Service resource through a step-by-step wizard.

Software Upload Wizard

SUW application can be reached by accessing Resources Management Portlet, which in time can be usually reached by accessing a VO area in the portal. Once Resources Management Portlet is open, SUW can be started by selecting the Software category and the click on the "Upload software" button on the menu panel on top of the main window of RMP.

Where to start Software Upload Wizard in Resource Management Portlet

Managed Software Types

SUW currently manages 6 defined software types and 1 special use case.

In most cases the user has to provide:

  • List of maven dependencies: groupId, artifactId and artifact version
  • Data for deliverables generation
    • Maintainers list: First and Last name, email, organization
    • List of software changes: ticket number and modification description
    • Software usage notes: installation notes, configuration notes, descriptive list of software dependencies , uninstallation notes
    • License

Web Application

A java application utilizing web browser technologies to accomplish one or more tasks over a network, through a web browser.
Third party applications are supported.

Wizard input:

  • If working under production scope: Third Party software [isThirdParty].
  • Service data: Service Name [serviceName], Description [serviceDescription], Version (Proposed: 1.0.0) [serviceVersion].
  • Web app package data: WebApp Package Name [packageName], Description [packageDescription], Version [packageVersion], entrypoints [entrypointList].
  • Web app package files:
    • War archive: mandatory, only one allowed
    • Install script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Uninstall script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Misc file: optional, more than one allowed

Wizard output:

  • Provided war archive registered on a maven repository as primary artifact.
  • Newly generated Service Archive registered on a maven repository as an artifact with classifier servicearchive.
  • Newly createad Service Profile registered on the IS.


A collection of reusable java software packages.
Third party libraries are supported.

Wizard input:

  • If working under production scope: Third party software [isThirdParty].
  • Service data: Service Name [serviceName], Service Description [serviceDescription], Service Version [serviceVersion - default 1.0.0].
  • If not third party software user enters Service Class [serviceClass].
  • Package data: package description [packageName], package description [packageDescription], package version [packageVersion].
  • Package files:
    • Jar archive: mandatory, more than one allowed
    • Install script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Uninstall script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Misc file: optional, more than one allowed

Wizard output:

  • Jar archive registered on a maven repository as a primary artifact.
    • If multiple jars are provided by the user, these are repackaged into a single archive.
  • Newly generated Service Archive, containing all the provided jars, registered on a maven repository with classifier servicearchive.
  • Newly createad Service Profile registered on the IS.



gCube Patch

One or more bug fixes for a gCube component.

Wizard input:

  • User provided Patch archive ("tar.gz" archive): must include in the root directory a file named apply.sh and must not include on the root directory files names as the generated deliverables (README, INSTALL, etc.).

Wizard output:

  • A new tar.gz archive is generated including all the files provided with the user uploaded Patch archive, the generated deliverables (Service profile,README, INSTALL, etc.) and the service profile.
  • The generated tar.gz is uploaded on a maven repository with classifier servicearchive.

gCube Plugin

A gCube Plugin is a a set of software components that extends the functionalities of a gCube component.

Wizard input:

  • Software data: Software Name [softwareName], Description [softwareDescription], Version [softwareVersion], Service class [serviceClass]
  • Patch Target Service data: Service class [targetServiceClass], Service Name [targetServiceName], Service Version [targetServiceVersion], Package Name [targetPackageName], Package Version [targetPackageVersion].
  • Plugin files:
    • Jar Archive: mandatory, only one allowed
    • Install script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Uninstall script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Reboot script: optional, more than one allowed
    • Misc file: optional, more than one allowed

Wizard output

  • The user-uploaded jar archive is registered on the maven target repository as a primary artifact
  • A Software archive with a single package containing all user provided files and generated files is registered on the maven target repository with classifier servicearchive
  • Newly created Service Profile is registered on the IS

gCube WebService


Software Registration

This Wizard allows the user to register on the Software Gateway any software that is currently uploaded on any infrastructure Maven repository by providing the maven coordinates of the artifact.

Wizard input:

  • Maven artifact coordinates.

Wizard output:

  • Newly createad Service Profile registered on the IS.

Deliverables creation rules

Web Application

Service Profile

if ( [isThirdParty] )
	Service->Version: [serviceVersion]
	Service->Class: WebApp

	WebApp package
		Package->Name: [packageName]
		Package->Description: [packageDescription]
		Package->Version: [packageVersion]
		Package->Type: webapplication
		Package->Requirement: Target platform: Tomcat 6.0
		Package->Requirement: GHN Requirement: Java1.6

if ( ![isThirdParty] && scope infrastructure == "\d4science.research-infrastructures.eu")
	Service->Version: [serviceVersion]
	Service->Class: WebApp

	WebApp package
		Package->Name: [packageName]
		Package->Description: [packageDescription]
		Package->Version: [packageVersion]
		Package->Type: webapplication
		Package->Requirement: Target platform: Tomcat 6.0
		Package->Requirement: GHN Requirement: Java1.6

if ( ![isThirdParty] && scope infrastructure == "\gcube")

	Service->Version: [serviceVersion]
	Service->Class: WebApp
	WebApp package
		Package->Name: [packageName]
		Package->Description: [packageDescription]
		Package->Version: [packageVersion]-SNAPSHOT
		Package->Type: webapplication
		Package->Requirement: Target platform: Tomcat 6.0
		Package->Requirement: GHN Requirement: Java1.6


if (third party software)

	artifactId:	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.externals
	version:	[packageVersion]

if (non third party && scope infrastructure == "\d4science.research-infrastructures.eu")

	artifactId:	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.webapps
	version:	[packageVersion]

if (non third party && scope infrastructure == "\gcube")

	artifactId:	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.webapps
	version:	[packageVersion]-SNAPSHOT


Service Profile

if ([isThirdParty])

	Service->Name 		= [ serviceName ]
	Service->Description 	= [ serviceDescription ]
	Service->Version 	= [ serviceVersion ]
	Service->Class 		= External

	One and only Software Package
		Package->Name		= [ packageName ]
		Package->Description	= [ packageDescription ]
		Package->Version	= [ packageVersion ]
		Package->Type		= "library"

if (![isThirdParty] && scope infrastructure == "\d4science.research-infrastructures.eu")

	Service->Name 		= [ serviceName ]
	Service->Description 	= [ serviceDescription ]
	Service->Version 	= [ serviceVersion ]
	Service->Class 		= [ serviceClass ]

	One and only Software Package
		Package->Name		= [ packageName ]
		Package->Description	= [ packageDescription ]
		Package->Version	= [ packageVersion ]
		Package->Type		= "library"

if (![isThirdParty] && scope infrastructure == "\gcube")

	Service->Name 		= [ serviceName ]
	Service->Description 	= [ serviceDescription ]
	Service->Version 	= [ serviceVersion ]
	Service->Class 		= [ serviceClass ]

	One and only Software Package
		Package->Name		= [ packageName ]
		Package->Description	= [ packageDescription ]
		Package->Version	= [ packageVersion ]-SNAPSHOT
		Package->Type		= "library"


If (third party software)
	artifactId: 	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.externals
	version: 	[packageVersion]
if (non third party && scope infrastructure == "\d4science.research-infrastructures.eu")
	artifactId: 	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.[serviceClass]
	version: 	[packageVersion]
if (non third party && scope infrastructure == "\gcube")
	artifactId: 	[packageName]
	groupId: 	org.gcube.[serviceClass]
	version: 	[packageVersion]-SNAPSHOT


Service Profile

Service->Name = [ softwareName ]
Service->Description = [ softwareDescription ]
Service->Version = "1.0.0"
Service->Class = External

One and only Software Package
	Package->Name		= [softwareName]
	Package->Description	= [softwareDescription]
	Package->Version	= [softwareVersion]
	Package->Type		= "application"

gCube Patch

Service Profile

Service->Name = [ softwareName ]
Service->Description = [ softwareDescription ]
Service->Version = "1.0.0"
Service->Class = Patches

One and only Software Package
	Package->Name		= [softwareName]
	Package->Description	= [softwareDescription]
	Package->Version	= [softwareVersion]
	Package->Type		= "Application"


if (scope infrastructure == "/gcube")
	artifactId: [ softwareName ]
	groupId: org.gcube.patches
	version: [ softwareVersion ]-SNAPSHOT
if (scope infrastructure == "/d4science.research-infrastructures.eu" )
	artifactId: [ softwareName ]
	groupId: org.gcube.patches
	version: [ softwareVersion ]

gCube Plugin

Service Profile

Service->Name = [ softwareName ]
Service->Description = [ softwareDescription ]
Service->Version = 1.0.0
Service->Class = [serviceClass]

if (scope infrastructure == "/gcube")
A "Plugin" Package
	Package->Name		= [softwareName]
	Package->Description	= [softwareDescription]
	Package->Version	= [softwareVersion]-SNAPSHOT
	Package->Type		= Plugin	

	Package->TargetService->Service->Class 		= [targetServiceClass]
	Package->TargetService->Service->Name	 	= [targetServiceName]
	Package->TargetService->Service->Version	= [targetServiceVersion]
	Package->TargetService->Name			= [targetPackageName]
	Package->TargetService->Version			= [targetPackageVersion]

if (scope infrastructure == "/d4science.research-infrastructures.eu" )
A "Plugin" Package
	Package->Name		= [softwareName]
	Package->Description	= [softwareDescription]
	Package->Version	= [softwareVersion]
	Package->Type		= Plugin	

	Package->TargetService->Service->Class 		= [targetServiceClass]
	Package->TargetService->Service->Name	 	= [targetServiceName]
	Package->TargetService->Service->Version	= [targetServiceVersion]
	Package->TargetService->Name			= [targetPackageName]
	Package->TargetService->Version			= [targetPackageVersion]


if (scope infrastructure == "/gcube")
	artifactId: [ softwareName ]
	groupId: org.gcube.[ serviceClass ]
	version: [ softwareVersion ]-SNAPSHOT
if (scope infrastructure == "/d4science.research-infrastructures.eu" )
	artifactId: [ softwareName ]
	groupId: org.gcube.[ serviceClass ]
	version: [ softwareVersion ]

gCube WebService

Service Profile

Service->Name = [ serviceName ]
Service->Description = [ serviceDescription ]
Service->Version = [ serviceVersion ]
Service->Class = [ serviceClass ]

One Main Package
	Main Package
		Package->Name		= [mainPackageName]
		Package->Description	= [mainPackageDescription]
		Package->Version	= [mainPackageVersion]

		GarArchive: [Uploaded Gar Archive Filename]
		PortType: [portTypeName]	//One or more

	Main Package Files
		Gar Archive

One Stubs Package
	Software Package
		Package->Name		= [stubsPackageName]
		Package->Description	= [stubsPackageDescription]
		Package->Version	= [stubsPackageVersion]
		Package->Type		= library	
	Software Package Files
		Jar archive:		mandatory, more than one allowed
		Install script:		optional, more than one allowed	???
		Uninstall script:	optional, more than one allowed	???
		Misc file: 		optional, more than one allowed	???

Additional Packages
	Software Package
		Package->Name		= [additionalPackageName]
		Package->Description	= [additionalPackageDescription]
		Package->Version	= [additionalPackageVersion]
		Package->Type		= library


Main Package
	artifactId: [ mainPackageName.toLowerCase() ]
	groupId: org.gcube.[serviceClass]
	version: [ mainPackageVersion ]

Stubs Package
	artifactId: [ stubsPackageName.toLowerCase() ]
	groupId: org.gcube.[serviceClass]
	version: [ stubsPackageVersion ]

Additional Package
	artifactId: [ additionalPackageName.toLowerCase() ]
	groupId: org.gcube.[serviceClass]
	version: [ additionalPackageVersion ]

Software Registration

Service Profile

Service->Name: 		[artifactId]
Service->Version: 	1.0.0
Service->Class: 	ExternalSoftware

Software Package
	Package->Name:  	[artifactId]
	Package->Version: 	[artifactVersion]
	Package->Type: 		Library

If ([isSnapshot]==true)
	Package->Files: User given filename (must end with '.jar')
	Package->Files: [artifact id]-[artifact version].jar


artifactId: [artifactId]
groupId: [artifactGroupId]
if ([isSnapshot]==true)
	Version: [artifactVersion]-SNAPSHOT
	Version: [artifactVersion]