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Redmine is an open source, web-based project management and issue-tracking tool. Redmine allows hyper-linking information between a ticket, revision control (SVN, git) and wiki content.

gCube Redmine Project

D4Science infrastructure provide an instance of Redmine with a dedicated project for gCube tracking issues available at

The D4Science Redmine instance supports AGILE methodology support. In brief the development process is divided in Milestone. The target of a Milestone lead to a new gCube release. Inside each Milestone the work is mainly divided in sprints. A sprint is a collection of related action to reach a goals. A sprint should not have a duration of more than 2 week and never more than a month. A sprint can be considered as a list of actions needed to add a new functionality to a software component, the tasks related to release a new version and so on.

Tracker Types

Redmine is used to trigger new activities to do in gCube software, to answer to support requests, to react to defects found in candidate releases of gCube System, and to manage release procedures (such as start of releases, attach subsystem configurations).

The gCube project provide different tickets types (tracker in Redmine terminology) to provide a clear view of the gCube Software system status. Each tracker can have different fields and different status. To be compliant with AGILE methodology each task must belong to one Sprint.


Used to define a task to do to accomplish the objective of the sprint it belongs to.


Used to keep track of a malfunction of a software component (a bug) or a problem in the release process.


Used to request support regarding the use of a software component. So that, it can be used by a developer to request more information about using a particular library developed by another one, or by an end-user regarding how to do something in an user interface.

Before opening this type of ticket everyone MUST be sure that a similar ticket does not already exist. After each request of support each developers should take actions to avoid that others can have the same troubles (e.g. improve Javadoc, improve wiki documentations and so on).


Used during release cycle to keep track of subsystem and related components to be released.