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Revision as of 16:49, 1 April 2019 by Manuele.simi (Talk | contribs) (Correlation with the JAX-RS runtime)

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Scope and Features

gxJRS is much more advanced than gxHTTP and offers fully-fledged extensions built on top of JAX-RS and gxHTTP.

Prominent features of gxJRS are:

  • to achieve independence from the web framework used to develop the web application;
  • to guarantee the correctness of requests/responses across the D4Science infrastructure;
  • to abstract over the HTTP-based details required by the gCube framework when invoking a remote service;
  • to avoid that each service implements its own conventions over the returned responses;
  • to return error responses at the familiar (for any Java programmer) level of exceptions and error codes, while web frameworks usually just let return an HTTP status, headers and streams.


Context-aware requests sent from a client to a web application.


  • Outbound status-aware responses returned from a web application.
  • Inbound responses received by a client.


gxJRS is available as Maven artifact and can be added to a maven-based project with the following dependency:
