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Request interface

The org.gcube.common.gxhttp.reference interface defines the behavior of all the requests in gxRest.

 * HTTP methods for requests.
 * @author Manuele Simi (ISTI-CNR)
 * @param <BODY> the type of the body request
 * @param <RESPONSE> the type of the response
public interface GXHTTP<BODY,RESPONSE> {
	 * Sends the PUT request to the web application.
	 * @param body the body of the request
	 * @return the response
	RESPONSE put(BODY body) throws Exception;
	 * Sends the PUT request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	RESPONSE put() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the DELETE request to the web application.
	 * @return the response
	RESPONSE delete() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the HEAD request to the web application.
	 * @return the response
	RESPONSE head() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the GET request to the web application.
	 * @return the response
	RESPONSE get() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the POST request to the web application.
	 * @param body the body of the request
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE post(BODY body) throws Exception;
	 * Sends the POST request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE post() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the TRACE request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE trace() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the PATCH request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE patch() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the OPTIONS request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE options() throws Exception;
	 * Sends the CONNECT request to the web application with no body.
	 * @return the response
	 * @throws Exception
	RESPONSE connect() throws Exception;
	 * Overrides the default security token.
	 * @param token the new token
	void setSecurityToken(String token);
	 * States if the service being called in an external service (not gCube).
	 * @param ext true if external, false otherwise
	void isExternalCall(boolean ext);


Working with Strings: GXHTTPStringRequest

Test with POST:

GXHTTPStringRequest request = GXHTTPStringRequest.newRequest(DEFAULT_RM_URL).from("GXRequestTest");
String context ="{\"@class\":\"Context\",\"header\":{\"@class\":\"Header\",\"uuid\":\"...\",\"creator\":"manuele",\"modifiedBy\":\"gxRestTest\",\"creationTime\":null,\"lastUpdateTime\":null},\"name\":\"gxTest\",\"parent\":null,\"children\":[]}";
Map<String,String> queryParams = new WeakHashMap<>();
queryParams.put("rrURL", DEFAULT_RR_URL);
try {
	HttpURLConnection response = request.path("gxrest")
					.header("Another header", "GXHTTPRequestTest")
	assertTrue("Unexpected returned code.", response.getResponseCode() == Status.CREATED.getStatusCode());
	String body =  ContentUtils.toString(ContentUtils.toByteArray(response.getInputStream()));
	System.out.println("Returned resposnse " + body);
} catch (Exception e) {
	// handle the error

Working with Streams: GXHTTPStreamRequest