Gis Viewer App

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Revision as of 11:54, 4 May 2020 by Francesco.mangiacrapa (Talk | contribs) (Overview)

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The Gis Viewer App is a web application to interact with Gis Viewer Widget


The artifact is available on Nexus with the following coordinates:


Retrieve web service endpoint

The service endpoint URL [GIS_VIEWER_APP_SERVICE_ENDPOINT] of Gis Viewer App is:

for the development environment

for the production environment


The Gis Viewer App by Gis Viewer Widget allows to you to access and discover GIS Data. By Gis Viewer App you can initialize the Gis Viewer Widget using the following parameters in the HTTP GET query string:

  • wmsrequest: URL_ENCODED["HTTP/S WMS REQUEST"]. To open the Gis Viewer with the layer reachable by wms request.
  • zoom: an integer in the range [0-14]. To set the zoom level of map (at init time)
  • centermap: as LONG,LAT coordinates. To set the center of map (at init time)
