Gcube Wiki:General disclaimer

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gCube is a software system supporting the creation and operation of Hybrid Data Infrastructures.

This system has been implemented with the support of the European Commission in the context of a series of projects:

  • DILIGENT - A DIgital Library Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology (2004-2007);
  • D4Science - DIstributed colLaboratories Infrastructure on Grid ENabled Technology for Science (2008-2009);
  • D4Science-II - Data Infrastructure Ecosystem for Science (2009-2011);
  • iMarine - Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources (2011-ongoing);
  • EUBrazilOpenBio - EU-Brazil Open Data and Cloud Computing e-Infrastructure for Biodiversity (2011-ongoing);

This Wiki contains information on gCube core activities, findings and outcomes.

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the gCube Technical Team and its experts, and it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission. The authors of this document have taken any available measure in order for its content to be accurate, consistent and lawful. However, neither the project consortium as a whole nor the individual partners that implicitly or explicitly participated the creation and publication of this document hold any sort of responsibility that might occur as a result of using its content.

The European Union (EU) was established in accordance with the Treaty on the European Union (Maastricht). There are currently 27 member states of the European Union. It is based on the European Communities and the member states’ cooperation in the fields of Common Foreign and Security Policy and Justice and Home Affairs. The five main institutions of the European Union are the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, and the Court of Auditors (http://europa.eu.int/).