Docker environment at D4Science

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D4Science docker infrastructure

A production cluster is available, based on Docker Swarm [1]. The cluster consists of:

  • three manager nodes
  • currently, five worker nodes.

The running services are exposed using a double set of HAPROXY load balancers:

  • A L4 layer, used to reach the http/https services exposed by the L7 layer
  • A L7 layer, running in the swarm, configured to dinamically resolve the backend names using the Docker internal DNS service

Provisioning of the Docker Swarm

The Swarm, with portainer [2] and the L7 HAPROXY [3] installation is managed by ansible, starting from the role [4]

The load balancers architecture

L4 load balancers

All the requests to public containerized services pass through two HAPROXY servers in a High Availability setup, acting as IP level 4 proxies. The basic configuration is

 frontend LB
   bind *:80
   mode http
   redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
 frontend lb4_swarm
      bind                  *:443
      mode                  tcp
      description           L4 swarm
      default_backend lb4_swarm_bk
 backend lb4_swarm_bk
      mode                  tcp
      balance               source
      hash-type             consistent
      option                tcp-check
      tcp-check             connect port 443 ssl send-proxy
      server check fall 1 rise 1 inter 2s send-proxy sni req.ssl_sni
      server check fall 1 rise 1 inter 2s send-proxy sni req.ssl_sni
      server check fall 1 rise 1 inter 2s send-proxy sni req.ssl_sni

A client is guaranteed to be routed to the same haproxy backend instance, it that instance is alive.

L7 HAPROXY cluster

  • The https requests are handled by three HAPROXY instances.
  • Backend hostnames are resolved using the Docker internal DNS.
  • Backends can be single or multiple instances (if they support such a configuration)
  • Stick sessions can be managed through cookies, src address, etc
  • Rate limiting policies can be applied

A configuration snippet:

 frontend http
   bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/pki/haproxy alpn h2,http/1.1 accept-proxy
   bind *:80 accept-proxy
   mode http
   option http-keep-alive
   option forwardfor
   http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
   # HSTS (63072000 seconds)
   http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=63072000
   acl lb_srv hdr(host) -i
   redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
   use_backend lb_stack_name_bk if lb_srv
 backend lb_stack_name_bk
   mode http
   option httpchk
   balance leastconn
   http-check send meth HEAD uri / ver HTTP/1.1 hdr Host
   http-check expect rstatus (2|3)[0-9][0-9]
   dynamic-cookie-key load-balanced-service
   cookie JSESSIONID prefix nocache dynamic
   server-template lb-service-name- 2 lb_stack_name-lb_service_name:80080  check inter 10s rise 2 fall 3 resolvers docker init-addr libc,none

Docker Stack

  • The services can be deployed into the Docker cluster as stacks [5] using a specially crafted compose file. The Open ASFA case can be used as a working example [6]
  • The web services must be connected to the haproxy-public network and setup to use the dnsrr deploy mode, to be discoverable by HAPROXY. The services will not expose their http(s) ports directly. The inter communications between services that are part of the same stack will use a private network defined by the stack configuration itself.
  • HAPROXY must be configured to expose the service. Example of a two instances shinyproxy service:
backend shinyproxy_bck
   mode http
   option httpchk
   balance leastconn
   http-check send meth HEAD uri / ver HTTP/1.1 hdr Host localhost
   http-check expect rstatus (2|3)[0-9][0-9]
   stick on src
   stick-table type ip size 2m expire 180m
   server-template shinyproxy- 2 shinyproxy_shinyproxy:8080  check resolvers docker init-addr libc,none

Docker compose example

  • The following is an example of a stack made by two services, one of them is talking to the other using its Docker service name:
 version: '3.6'
   image: nubisware/conductor-server
     - conductor-network
     - haproxy-public
     mode: replicated
     replicas: 2
     endpoint_mode: dnsrr
       constraints: [node.role == worker]
       condition: on-failure
       delay: 5s
       max_attempts: 3
       window: 120s
     - source: swarm-config
       target: /app/config/
     driver: "journald"
     - WF_SERVER=http://conductor-server:8080/api/
   image: nubisware/conductor-ui
     - conductor-network
     - haproxy-public
     mode: replicated
     replicas: 2
     endpoint_mode: dnsrr
       constraints: [node.role == worker]
       condition: on-failure
       delay: 5s
       max_attempts: 3
       window: 120s
    external: True
    file: ./

Setup Steps for a service

A ticket that asks for a new service should report the following data:

  1. A DNS name for each public available service. The name must be a CNAME of If the name is not in the domain, a _acme-challenge.externaldomain record must be set, CNAME of Otherwise we will not able to generate a valid TLS certificate
  2. The number of replicas for the service
  3. If stick sessions are required, if they are cookie or client src based
  4. A URI that will be used to check the status of the service (mandatory if the service is being replicated)
  5. The http port where the service will be listening, if it's not stated in the compose file