Continuous Integration: Dependency Walker Jenkins Pipeline

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The Dependency Walker pipeline allows to navigate the dependencies among projects in Jenkins.

Given the name of a Jenkins project (P):

  • navigate the maven modules built by P
  • recursively analyze the module's dependencies and their Jenkins projects
  • generate the list of projects that have modules depending on each maven module in P
  • print a formatted report of the information extracted from the analysis.

Pipeline Definition

The definition of the gCube Dependency Walker pipeline is maintained in this Git Repository:


Jenkins DepsWalkerInterface.png


Sample Report

Dependency Report for workspace-sharing-widget

|--Project Maven Modules
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.widgets:workspace-sharing-widget
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L1
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.user:tabular-data-share-widget
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L2
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.user:workspace-tree-widget
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L2
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.user:tabular-data-manager
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L3
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.user:tabular-data-rule-widget
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L3
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)
	|--Module: org.gcube.portlets.user:workspace
		|--Deepest Dependency Level: L3
		|--Used by (Maven Modules)
		|--Referred by (Jenkins Projects)

|--All Downstream Projects