Pre Installed Packages
This Wiki reports the packages pre-installed on the computational machines for a variety of languages. On this machines also run DataMiner service with algorithms created through Statistical Algorithms Importer (SAI).
R Packages
A constantly updated list of installed R 3.4.4 Packages is available at the following LINK.
Github packages are show here:LINK. Versioning is not handled, but github packages are updated daily to the latest version.
Linux Debian Packages
A constantly updated list of installed Debian 3.2.51-1 x86_64 Packages is available at the following LINK
Octave Packages
Octave 4.2.1 is installed on the computational machines with basic packages.
Knime Packages
Knime-Full 3.7 is installed on the computational machines.
Java Packages
Java 8 is installed on the computational machines, with the dependencies of the Ecological Engine framework, retrievable through Maven HERE (refer to the latest version).
Python Packages
Python 2.7 and 3.6 are installed on the computational machines with basic packages.
Windows Packages
Windows .Net compiled programs are supported through the Mono 3.2.8 simulator.