SPQL: SPecies Query Language
From Gcube Wiki
SPQL is a language used to query the Species Product Discovery Service
query: terms (IN identifiers)? (WHERE expressions)? (RETURN returnExpression)? terms: term (',' term)* term: words AS (('ScientificName'|'SN') | ('CommonName'|'CN')) words: word (',' word)* word : STRING identifiers: identifier (',' identifier)* identifier: ID expressions: expression (AND expression)* expression: (bc=boundCondition | dateCondition) boundCondition: ('lowerBound' | 'upperBound') IS coordinate dateCondition: ('fromDate' | 'toDate') IS date date: INT '/' INT '/' INT coordinate: FLOAT ',' FLOAT returnExpression: '*' (havingExpression)? | 'Occurrence' | 'Taxon' havingExpression: HAVING 'Occurrence' | 'Taxon'
SPQL 2.0
SEARCH BY term [, ...] [ IN datasource [, ...] ] [ WHERE condition [AND condition] ] [ RETURN {PRODUCT | OCCURRENCE | TAXON} ] [ HAVING having expression ]
Where term can be one of:
CN common name RESOLVE [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] [EXPAND [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] ] SN scientific name [EXPAND [ WITH datasource [, ...] ] ]
The Search by statement retrieves all available elements from the species service. The general processing of Search by is as follows:
- All the term are elaborated depending on the specified type:
- CN case:
- all the specified common names are mapped into scientific names using the specified datasources or all the available if no one as been specified
- if the EXPAND clause is specified the scientific names are expanded using the synonyms provided by the specified datasources or using all the available datasources if no one as been specified
- SN case:
- if the EXPAND clause is specified all the specified scientific names are expanded using the synonyms provided by the specified datasources or using all the available datasources if no one as been specified
- CN case: