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(Hosting Node)
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Revision as of 14:59, 14 July 2016


Access Point Facet

The goal of this facet is expected to capture information on “access points” for a resource, i.e. any endpoint to interact with the resource via a known protocol.

entryName String An unique identifier
endpoint URI The URI which identify the endpoint of a resource
protocol String The high-level protocol used by the access point. The String could contains the version if needed.

E.g. WMS not http which is already contained in URI.

description String .....
authorization String Contains authorization information. E.g: a token, username:password. By relying on schema it should be sufficient to capture also whether the content is encrypted or not
authorizationSchema URI ....
properties String This can be an arbitrarily complex element whose "structure" is defined by the associated schema
propertiesSchema URI ....

Contact Facet

The goal of this facet is expected to capture contact information.

name String TBD Contains Name and Surname maybe also middle name and title (Dr. Mr.) or we add a new fields
eMail Valid eMail address An RFC‑822 compliant email address.

(At http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html you can find a very complex regular expression for validation)

website URL ...
address String ...
phone String ...

Coverage Facet

The goal of this facet is to collect any extent-related information.

spatial String ...
spatialSchema URI ...
temporal String ...
temporalSchema URI .....

CPU Facet

The goal of this facet is to describe CPU information.

TODO to be reviewed

model String ...
vendor String ...
clockSpeed String ...

Descriptive Metadata Facet

The goal of this facet is to collect any descriptive metadata about the resource.

value String Inherited. E.g. XML Blob
schema URI ...

Event Facet

The goal of this facet is to collect any descriptive metadata about the resource.

type String ...
typeSchema URI ...
date String ...
dateSchema URI ...

Functionality Related Facet

The goal of this facet is to capture what are the facilities supported (Challenging because of the different audiences) Something very "poor" ... we can have a look at WPS spec

name String ...
description String ...
input String ...
output String ...

Identification Facet

The goal of this facet is to collect information on Identifiers that can be attached to a resource.

value String The identifier. E.g. http://fr.dbpedia.org/resource/Thunnus de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546014
type Enumeration The typology of identifier. E.g. URI, DOI, IRI, URL, URN, UUID;
isPersistent boolean To indicate if the Identifier is persistent or not.

IP Info Facet


The goal of this facet is to capture IP information

IPAddress String ...
mask String ...
broadcastAddress String ...

Regular expression to validate different IPv4 addresses are available at:



Both IPv4 and IPv6: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53497/regular-expression-that-matches-valid-ipv6-addresses

License Facet

The goal of this facet is to .....

value String ...
schema URI ...

Memory Facet

The goal of this facet is to .....

size Long ...
used Long ...
unit String ...

Peripheral Facet

The goal of this facet is to .....

model String ...
vendor String ...

Persistent Memory Facet

Specialization of Memory Facet

TBD if instead of subclassing is better subclassing ConsistOf relation of reintroduce purpose in relation or header

Provenance Facet

The goal of this facet is to collect information related with resource lineage/provenance

relationship Enum wasGeneratedBy | ...
reference String resourceID (a reference to the "originator" Resource associated to the resource the facet is attached to by the relationship)
provenanceDocument String ... E.g. the xml format
provenanceDocumentSchema String ... E.g. a reference to the format

Simple Property Facet

The goal of this facet is the base class for all facets described by a value and the schema of the value

value String ...
schema URI ...

Software Facet

The goal of this facet is to capture SW related features"

name String The name of the software artefact being described. E.g. artifactId in maven, Service Name in gCube software, the software name for retail software Microsoft Office 2013-SP2.
group String The name of "group" the software artefact belongs to. E.g. groupId in Maven, ServiceClass in gCube software, company name for retail software Microsoft Office 2013-SP2.
version String The particular release of the software artefact. E.g. maven version, Service Version in gCube software, artifactId in maven, the software version for retail software Microsoft Office 2013-SP2.
description String A human oriented description of the software artefact being described.
qualifier String E.g. packaging or scope in maven, scope level or sharable level in gCube software, target architecture for retail software x86 or amd64.
role TO BE REMOVED String Identify the role of this facet. E.g. dependency.
optional boolean .... Used in maven and in gcube

State Facet

The goal of this facet is to ...

value String Inherited.
schema URI Inherited.

Subject Facet

The goal of this facet is to ...

value String Inherited.
schema URI Inherited.

Type Facet

Specialization of Simple Property Facet

The goal of this facet is to ...

value String Inherited.
schema URI Inherited.

Volatile Memory Facet

Specialization of Memory Facet

TBD if instead of subclassing is better subclassing ConsistOf relation of reintroduce purpose in relation or header




The following relations (extending the RelatedTo) have been identified and defined:


The following relations (extending the ConsistOf) have been identified and defined:

Resource Profiles

Resource Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
Facet 1..n
ConsistOf Relations
Identify (out) 1..n A reference to one or more Facet that identify the Resource.
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...

The following Resources have been identified:


Actor Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
Contact 1..n ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...


Configuration Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
... ... ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...


Dataset Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
... ... ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...

Concrete Dataset

Concrete Dataset Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
... ... ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...


Service Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
Identification 1..n TBD
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
... ... ...

Abstract Service

Abstract Service Profile
Extends Service
Name Multiplicity Description
... ... ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
DemandsFor (out) 0..n A reference to the Software ....


E-Service Profile
Extends Service Facets
Name Multiplicity Description
Software 1..1 ...
Access Point 1..n ...
Event 1..n ...
State 1..1 ...
Run (out) 0..n A reference to the Software artifact the E-Service results from.
Use (out,in) 0..n A reference to any other E-Service, the E-Service instance is invoking.
Host (in) 1 An inverse reference stemming from the Hosting Node that is operating the E-Service.

Hosting Node

Hosting Node Profile
Extends Service
Name Multiplicity Description
CPU Facet 1.. ...
Persistent Memory Facet 1..n Disk Space
Volatile Memory Facet 1..n RAM
IP Info Facet 1..n ....
Event 1..n ...
State 1..1 ...
ConsistOf Relations
... ... ...
RelatedTo Relations
PoweredBy (out) 1..n A reference to the Software ....


Software Profile
Name Multiplicity Description
Software 1..n
Access Point 1..n
License 1..n
State 1..n
DependsOn (out) 0..n A reference to the Software
Require (out) 0..n A reference to the Service
Run (in) 0..n An inverse reference stemming from the E-Service that is running this Software
DemandsFor (in) 0..n An inverse reference stemming from the Abstract Service that is
PoweredBy (in) 0..n An inverse reference stemming from the Hosting Node that is